Hello I am Claudette C’Faison. (she knows)
I partner with women who have a desire and craving for fuller self-expression, more joy and pleasure, and increased self-worth and value in their lives.
I see every woman being whole and beautiful.
I am every woman. Female, mother, daughter, business owner, wife, grandmother, step mother, educated philanthropist, and humanitarian.
If you are reading this far it is because your inner self directed you here.
It will be an honor and a pleasure to travel with you as you travel within.
For the past 30 years I have worked with over 6,000 girls and women who thought their lives were limited: those who were stuck in unfulfilling relationships, had lost passion in their work, reached their educational and financial goals and still were dissatisfied, to those who had escaped domestic violence, were challenged by teen motherhood, living with HIV, or in entangled relationships. All having in common that they wanted more, but didn’t know “more of what.” They called me a female whisperer because they moved from apathy and resignation to being turned-on to take the next step on their journey with confidence.
I hear the deep cries of women, even the ones they can't hear themselves. If you feel stuck, give yourself a gift and contact me.
One can always feel great while in a course and three weeks later you are looking for your next course. My results are evidence based and long lasting.
When you complete any of my services, you will have created distance from your past.
When one completes any of my courses, you will embrace parts of your forgotten self.
Love goes a long way and it goes everywhere you go because you carry it inside of you.